Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Thankful Thursday

God is always good all the time! and all the time God is good! Thank you Lord for:

My hubby gifted me with a new washing machine....yeheeheeeey....thank you Bay! it will make our laundering days easier now...smooth machine is here to stay.....thank you again.
My friend was saved from a fatal vehicular accident. She had minor scratches all over her body when the vehicle they were riding went down a ravine.
Our old car was sold at a reasonable price and that we can start finding a brand new model or find another better model.
Coping with my rhinitis allergy...the pollen count this week was higher than expected, with no rain for the past week....well expect pollen to be dancing on air, causing sneezing and itchy, teary, eyes to people like me susceptible to pollen allergy. Oh my....I'm teary eyed again.....aaachooo!
Gifts received up to this moment....the holiday season is now officially off, but gifts are still coming in...better late than never..hehehhehe.
My daughter who received yesterday a special certificate as a school achiever.....thank you Lord.
My son who invited friends all over....he is learning how to entertain friends proud of you always listen to reminders.
A lively discussion from our class yesterday about classroom management theories and its applicability to different learning styles of, heated arguments flying across the room...differing opinions that ended in a positive note...excellent, we did not sleep this p.m.Yes!!!!
For blogging friends who drop by everyday to say hello, hope to meet you one day.


  1. Wow! brand new washing machine... so meaning di na gyud mag get ug house help? hehehehehe

  2. I´ll say exactly thanks it´s thursday...

  3. Great list! You're so blessed! Happy Thankful Thursday to you.

  4. Ang sayasaya! I can relate to the washing machine and rhinitis -- you reminded me to thank God also for the things that make my life easier, and for the fact that my rhinitis is not readily triggered by pollen (or at least, not this time around). Mabuhay!

  5. God IS good! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend.
